Who we are

welcome to our hive

First of all thank you for buzzing on by our page. We are a small local family owned business and this is our story....

Let me introduce ourselfs from left to right; Oliver, Yuliana, Guillermo, and Yulian. About 10 years ago Guillermo was unemployed and we were newly weds as we were driving by one day he saw a person doing some carpet cut outs in a parking lot of our apartments he said "stop the car, I'm Going to ask if he needs help or knows someone who is hiring" to be honest I laughed and said "thats not how you get a job." Well he did not get a job but a career that day. Ever since he has been working hard everyday and learning about the trade as much as possible. He has taken me along for this wild ride and we trully enjoy what we do. Yuliana is the brains and Guillermo the muscle we like to say. With 10 years of experience you can count on us and our values to keep things in our community while you sit back and relax we do the hard work for you.

why the name flooring bees?

In all honesty we became so intreguided with how bees work and offer so much to humans that we just became obssesed with them. Learning that bees specifically, worker bees are selfless and invest their energy for the well being of the community we like to think of ourselfs like that. We want to keep it local, buy, hire, work local to keep it in the community. We also find that bees are underrated and people tend to not care for them as much. Floors are the same to us, if you think about it its the foundation of a home, its where babies learn to stand up, etc. We all need a safe place to land and it can be a good looking place too.  Our Goal is to serve our people just as hard and loyal like worker bees serve their beehive.